Self-driving allows you to see China better
People's Daily

'Welcome to experience the autopilot service of Murphy Speed. Today our trip is an open test road near the Suzhou section of the G2 Expressway. Please fasten your seat belts and we will set off immediately!' The speaker was not the car driver, but Murphy Technology Co., Ltd. The safety officer of the self-driving test vehicle said, 'We will switch to the automatic driving mode now.' The safety officer slowly took his hand off the steering wheel and released the accelerator with his right foot.


Both sides of the road are lined with greenery, and the modern science and technology park and the natural scenery complement each other, which is picturesque. What surprised reporters even more was the excellent performance of self-driving cars in complex road conditions. During the driving process, the self-driving car can accurately avoid the vehicle ahead, and it will also slow down in advance when encountering traffic jams. The vehicle will also choose to merge and overtake according to the road conditions, make the most reasonable judgment, accelerate, turn, merge, and brake. All the essentials of car driving can be accurately completed by the automatic driving system. Such a complex and safe operation is completely performed by machines. Driving to the edge of the city, enjoying the spring scenery, and enjoying the service of the 'computer' driver, it is very pleasant.

Innovation makes life infinite possible. 'We will install cameras and various sensors on the car to allow the car to perceive the surrounding environment, and rely on the data-driven algorithm of artificial intelligence through mass production data, so that the automatic driving technology will continue to accumulate and iterate.' Initial Speed Technology Cao Xudong, CEO of the company, pointed to the camera on the self-driving car and said that the self-driving system will collect vehicle data of various weather conditions and road conditions through continuous use, and through continuous iterative upgrades in the background, the vehicle will be self-driving.” technology' is getting better and better. 'The self-driving passenger car we are now preparing for mass production can achieve end-to-end automatic driving from parking spaces to urban road driving to high-speed, which saves consumers the time of driving, and saves drivers from boring and repetitive tasks. It is liberated from driving and brings a safer and more comfortable driving experience.' Cao Xudong said.

In a short while, the self-driving car was walking on the 'smart' road in the autonomous driving test area in Xiangcheng District. The reporter found that in addition to driverless cars, there are also heavy trucks undergoing driverless testing. It turns out that this is a heavy truck being tested by Zhijia Technology Company. Rong Li, general manager of Zhijia Technology China, touched the self-driving heavy truck J7 L3 that will be mass-produced and said with a smile: 'The dynamic model of heavy trucks is very different from that of passenger cars, with greater inertia and longer braking distance. It’s a lot of hardship when I’m driving.” For such a clumsy behemoth, the technical difficulty of using autonomous driving will naturally be greater. After nearly 4 years of research and development, the Zhijia team finally solved various difficulties in the technical structure. As a major logistics country in the world, China has to invest a lot of costs in the process of trunk logistics transportation every year, and the size of the trunk logistics market is also relatively large. Dr. Rong Li introduced: 'An L4 self-driving heavy truck can save 33% of operating costs every year.' He introduced that self-driving heavy trucks can significantly save fuel by relying on computer calculations, intelligently change driving habits, reduce vehicle wear and tear, and greatly reduce vehicle wear and tear. Reduce the cost of high-speed trunk logistics.

In March this year, driver Zhang Jun drove a self-driving heavy truck to Delingha, Qinghai Province. He still remembers the once boring journey becoming easier. 'You don't need a human to drive your car?' 'Yes, I am a security officer now, responsible for monitoring the state of the car during transportation.' In a service area in Delingha, heavy-duty truck drivers surrounded Zhang Jun's 'new car'. 'Baby' kept inquiring, while Zhang Jun proudly introduced. 'This car is equipped with an intelligent plus automatic driving system, which not only can actively avoid obstacles and emergency braking, but also has driver fatigue monitoring and automatic parking functions, which can eliminate potential safety hazards to the greatest extent, reduce the accident rate, and ensure the safety of long-distance driving. Zhang Jun said, 'My family is also very supportive of my job. This car not only saves fuel, but most importantly, it provides a great guarantee for the safety of our truck drivers. It's more than before, it's really killing three birds with one stone!' From the initial freshness and concern to the current trust and love, this is Zhang Jun's change in the attitude of self-driving heavy trucks. He has been engaged in heavy truck transportation for nearly 20 years. One day I will be able to drive such a heavy truck.

Jiangnan in March is gorgeous and gentle, driving all the way and flowers blooming all the way. It is understood that there are more than 70 autonomous driving enterprises in Xiangcheng District, Suzhou section along the G2 Beijing-Shanghai route, including unmanned cleaning and disinfection vehicles that can work continuously for 8 hours, unmanned delivery vehicles that deliver 400 meals at a time, and 24-hour standby vehicles. Outdoor cleaning vehicles, unmanned vending vehicles that stop with a wave of your hand... Demonstration application models of various shapes and functions will always come into view inadvertently. As a result, Xiangcheng District has become the first batch of vehicle networking pilot areas in Jiangsu Province and the first digital transportation demonstration area in Jiangsu Province, gradually forming 'smart cars, smart roads, and flexible networks'. Gu Haidong, Secretary of the Xiangcheng District Committee of Suzhou City, said, 'In the next step, Xiangcheng District will promote the innovation of related mechanisms and models of the Internet of Vehicles, promote the construction of new infrastructure, accelerate the implementation of demonstration applications in multiple scenarios, and strive to build a smart transportation system that integrates vehicles and roads. '

Sitting in a self-driving car on the Suzhou section of the G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, looking out the window, there are paddy fields and new houses, one can't help but sigh the charm of innovation.